Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Education or wealth?

            I was actually bored before i remembered that i hadn't visited my blog today.
Am actually writing here and believe me but i don't know what to write, but i know that something is gonna come up..........yeah i know what!............Why don't we talk abut the last debate i went for  when i was in secondary school on national television.
Topic: Education or Wealth; which is the best legacy?
Now, just by looking at it .............i know what we all would say.....Education of course..........; but allow me to  shock you
First, lets check for the meaning of the word "legacy".
            According to dictionary.com, legacy is defined as anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. 
Let's see what Merriam Webster's dictionary says..Legacy is a gift by will especially of money or other personal property.
          I hope you are following me closely. From these definitions, it is very clear that we were wrong at the first instance.
If legacy could mean this, then what has it got to do with education.............nothing of course because i cant leave my certificates for my children to inherit. What could they possibly use it for?  build a house, buy a car?

1 comment:

  1. By will... especially of MONEY or other PERSONAL property.... that is, you can leave a legacy by impacting your children EDUCATIONALLY.

    Without proper Education, your Wealth could be squandered before you are even buried.
